The lighting of historic monuments, museums, and venerable homes often suffers from the scars of time, Revolution or the reversal of fortune. Our atelier is capable of authentically re-fabricating exactly, any light fixture to the specification of the archives, drawings or photos.

The stages of such projects are: historic research of documents or similar objects, drawing and execution of plans and sculpting of the model. This is preceded by the finally bronze work: molds are fabricated, casting, chiseling and installation.

All stages of our work are carried out in unison with the principal, whether an architect, curator or the owner of a historic residence. The Mathieu Atelier also has an in-depth document source that we put at the disposal of our clients.


Basilique St Denis

Basilique St Denis

Cathedrale St Alexandre Nevsky

Cathedrale St Alexandre Nevsky

Château de Versailles

Château de Versailles

Gd Foyer travaux

Grand Foyer Opera Garnier

Hôtel de la Marine

Opéra Garnier

Opéra Garnier

Orangerie du Château de sceaux

Orangerie du Château de sceaux

Orangerie du Château de sceaux

Palais Royal

Palais Royal